Notwithstanding some Catalans' yearnings for independence from Spain, the fact that all of them are bilingual in Catalan and Spanish is a godsend many other inhabitants in the Peninsula do not have. They need to appreciate that bilingualism is a gift that few people possess. Those rabid Catalanists would erase Spanish from the face of the Catalonia map, condemning the population to be monolingual in a language -Catalan- that, with all due respect, does not have the widespread importance Spanish has in world communication. This shows that politics and personal interests blind politicians who are willing to sacrifice the intellectual future of a population in order to achieve their narrow monetary and power objectives. Being able to speak both Catalan and Spanish is an intellectual gift the rest of Spaniards do not possess. When nationalism and language mix, language is always the loser and it is used as a weapon to divide, not to reconcile.   


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