In 1994 Ediciones del Serbal published my Phraseological Dictionary, English-Spanish after signing a five-year contract, which I did not renew because I wanted to rewrite, update, and make it definitive. Four years ago I finally rolled up my sleeves, spit on my hands, and tackled the much-postponed revision. Four years at an average of 5 hours daily have resulted in 30,700 phrases, and idioms, in both languages. The ms is made up of 766,000 words and 1430 screen pages. While looking for a publisher, I am still revising and editing it, and I believe it is the definitive work on bilingual phraseology that trumps all the existing dictionaries. Una y no más, Santo Tomás, estar al pie del cañón, darle cien vueltas a alguien, a ojo de buen cubero or, in English, a horseback opinion, give someone a leg up, be up to scratch, cut to the chase... are included here, of course. The burning question is: Will I be able to publish it?


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