"Other" adjective and noun and The Spanish Royal Web page
As an adjective, other does not change in gender or number, as the Spanish otro does: Some other person / alguna otra persona Other addresses / otras direcciones Othe r women / otras mujeres Other men / otros hombres Other questions / otras cuestiones As a noun or pronoun it does change, of course: Others do not think like us / otros no piensan como nosotros To other is a verb: I feel othered by society, The problem is not to confuse the pronoun with the noun , as the Casa Real de su Majestad el Rey of Spain's web does in its English version, where "otras direcciones de interés" is translated as " others addresses." This is not the only blatant error the Royal web makes, but it illustrates our point. Try hard not to confuse adjectives and nouns , in English, as the Royal translators do, making a charade of the web's English version.