Languages at large often have shocking expressions that become more preposterous as humanity makes forward strides in social and gender equality. "Bailar con la más fea" which I translate as getting the short end of the stick, is a point in question. "No sé por qué, pero a mí siempre me toca bailar con la más fea", I don´t know why but I always get the short end of the stick. We all want to dance with the pretty girl, but this guy´s tough luck forces him to dance with the "fea", the ugly one. Women didn´t have this problem because they were asked out to dance and could refuse the man who was inviting them. The expression was: "May I have the pleasure of this dance?" "¿Me permite el placer de este baile?" "La fea" was a sure bet because she never refused the request. I am not sure, but I guess that Spanish-speaking women never use this idiomatic turn of phrase. I wonder why! 


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