A place for everything and everything in its place Un sitio para cada cosa y cada cosa en su sitio

I need order: a place for everything and everything in its place Necesito orden: Un sitio para cada cosa y cada cosa en su sitio

“A place for everything and everything in its own place. I have this motto on the notice board in my room.”  Kenneth Hall, Asperger Syndrom: The Universe and Everything, 2001. US.

And everything Y todo

She told me about her family, her husband, her job, and everything Me habló de su familia, su marido, su trabajo y todo

Asperger Syndrome: the Universe and Everything.” Kenneth Hall, 2001. US.

Be everything to one Serlo todo para uno

Martha is everything to me Marta lo es todo para mí

“You are everything to me, my dear!” Joseph Policape, Interpretations of Romance…, 2006. US.

Be in everything Enredarlo todo, estar en todo

My four-year old boy is in everything My chico de cuatro años lo enreda todo

“God is in everything and everything is in God.” Matthew Fox, Original Blessing, 2000. US.

Everything else Todo lo demás

I´m in good health; everything else doesn´t matter Tengo buena salud; todo lo demás no importa


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