Mr. Sánchez Castejón is, by a fluke, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain and certainly not my cup of tea. As I do not wade in the mud of politics, I will not mention his policies and how he steers the kingdom's rudder. He appears in the news often -self-satisfied and with grinning features- and recently he went to Davos. Spanish TV showed him speaking English... and my hair stood on end as I listened with bated breath. He is a worse polyglot than Rafael Nadal, which is saying a lot, I dare say! Of course, his followers are probably in awe at their president´s language skills, but I am chagrined deeply. Not that other European politicians fare any better, of course, and I can imagine all of them, gathered, captained by Sánchez, happily destroying the English language, its grammar, phonetics, and phraseology in a prepoterous language approprietion. They should all, with Sánchez at their head, officially apologize to the British peoples for manhandling and abusing their native language.  Shame on them for their broken English.


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