A necessary evil Un mal necesario

Taxes are a necessary evil Los impuestos son un mal necesario

“The badness of human nature makes the state necessary; people turn to the state as a necessary evil to avoid a much worse evil that awaits them without it.” Benjamin Klenerman, The Discretionary President…, 2009. US.

Beyond good and evil Más allá del bien y del mal

The satrap Putin thinks he is beyond good and evil El sátrapa Putin cree que está más allá del bien y del mal

Cast the evil eye Echar (el) mal de ojo

Someone has cast the evil eye on me Alguien me ha echado mal de ojo

“The notion of the evil eye suggests that there are malevolent influences that will bring bad luck, or even worse, to people…” George Monger, Marriage Customs of the World, 2004. US.

Good and evil El bien y el mal

It´s a struggle between good and evil Es una lucha entre el bien y el mal

Root of all evil La raíz de todos los males

Money is the root of all evil El dinero es la raíz de todos los males

The forces of evil Las fuerzas del mal

I think the forces of evil are working against me Creo que las fuerzas del mal trabajan contra mí

“… seeing the world as a grand battle between the forces of evil and the forces of good is not Christian orthodoxy, but rather what Christians once thought of as heresy.” Richard Bernstein, The Abuse of Evil…, 2005. US.

The lesser of two evils Del mal, el menos

We must always choose the lesser of two evils Siempre debemos elegir del mal, el menos

“We're not about to change. We want to vote the lesser of two evils and there is no lesser, simply Evil A and Evil B.” SierraTimes.com, 29 Jan 2004. US.


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