Begoña Gómez, wife of the present Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has been indicted by a Madrid judge and will have to appear before him next July. The outcome of this indictment is uncertain, of course, and probably will come to nothing. The situation seems novel indeed, although the Spanish language reflects, with words and phrases, that the underlying attitude of politicians, in terms of freely using power, is as "old as the hills". 
"Nepotismo", favoritism shown to relatives, has been around since the Popes used it freely. 
"Amiguismo" which is the "práctica de favorecer a los amigos en la concesión de cargos, privilegios..." 
"Enchufismo", "la práctica de conseguir un empleo mediante recomendaciones o influencias."
"Caciquismo" is a word Spàniards discovered in America, from "cacique", a political boss.
"Trato de favor", cronyism or giving someone a leg up, to the detriment of others. 
"Tener padrinos" refers to those who "have pull" somewhere, to their advantage, same as "tener enchufe". 
Again, language reflects society and its attitudes in general. I wish the Prime Minister's wife the best in this case of corruption but the situation does not look too bright for her or him.   



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