Above the salt De categoría, de campanillas

Although my father-in-las is above the salt, he treats his employees well Aunque mi suegro es de categoría, trata bien a sus empleados

“… sitting above the salt meant you were an important person.” Douglas M. Rife et al., Arts and Crafts Across the USA, 2005. US.  

Back to the salt mines Volver a la rutina (del trabajo), volver al tajo (al curro, laboro)

As the vacation is over, I must go back to the salt mines Como se han acabado las vacaciones, tengo que volver a la rutina del trabajo

“… in about 15 minutes I was done and ready to go back to the salt mines.” The New York Post, March 18, 2024. US.

Below the salt De baja estofa, de medio pelo, de poco más o menos

At the company anual meeting, I felt I was seated below the salt Me sentí tratado como de medio pelo en la reunión anual de la empresa

“Camilla discovered in advance that she was to be placed not just below the salt, but in social Siberia.” The New Zealand Herald, April 30, 2024. N. Zeal. || “… the establishment thought him a little below the salt.” The Guardian, April 9, 2021. UK

Rub salt into the wound Poner (echar) sal en la llaga

What you are saying is like rubbing salt into the wound Lo que dices es como echar sale en la llaga

“… and this appearance feels like he is rubbing salt into the wound.” Mirror, February 27, 2024. UK.

Take with a grain (pinch) of salt Aceptar con reservas (cum grano salis)

I’ll take what you are saying with a grain of salt Acepto lo que me dice con reservas

“... the average American worker-consumer in practical terms is that the headlines and the thumb-sucker analyses about deflation must be taken with a grain of salt.” Kansas City Star, MO - 23 Jul 2003. USA.

Worth one’s salt De verdad, de valía, que se precie, de veras

If you are a man worth his salt, you’ll go out and find a job Si eres un hombre de verdad, te irás a buscar trabajo

“Any coach worth his salt has to love all those things…” The Boston Globe, January 15, 2024. US.


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