A ballpark guess is that I have written about forty books since I started my academic life, mostly on linguistic matters, bilingual and monolingual dictionaries, grammar, and readers. From the start, I penned very few scholarly articles because I refused to write material for other scholars to read, if at all. I wanted to avoid engrossing bibliographies with more writings that few would ever read. The general public is not interested in Wenceslao Fernández Flórez and his "humorismo" or his "tragedias". Neither are readers at large attracted to García Lorca's existentialism. These two are examples of my early escapades into scholarly writing. I decided to compose and compile titles that would be of benefit to the general public, and to scholars as well, why not. As the "publish or perish" dictum is still much alive, thousands of technical and scholarly journals publish stuff nobody will ever read, composed by desperate young academics in need of "bloating" their résumés. Some journals charge for printing articles. These are "vanity journals". I have never regretted my choice.


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