As bright as a new pin Como un sol, como los chorros del oro

I´ve left the bathroom as bright as a new pin He dejado el cuarto de baño como un sol

“Carr suggested they refurbish the cars to make them look as bright as a new pin.” Jean Anderson, Durham County…, 1990. US.

Bright and early Tempranito, a primera hora

We’ll go to the country bright and early Iremos al campo tempranito

“Perhaps he got out of bed earlier than usual that morning, and he was up bright and early.” John Sandilands, A Western Canadian Dictionary…, 1977. Can.

Bright prospects Perspectivas alagüeñas, prometedoras

The prospects are not very bright Las perspectivas no son muy alagüeñas

“They look for profitable companies with bright prospects for earning abnormal profits.” T. Daniel Coggin, The Handbook of Equity Style Management, 2003. US.

Look on the bright side of Mirar el lado bueno de

We must look on the bright side of the business Debemos mirar el lado  bueno del negocio

“And to look on the bright side, you will have your husband with you throughout the summer and I daresay you will enjoy it very much.” Margaret Forster, Lady's Maid, 1990. UK.


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