My daughter Lorraine informed me that ChatGPT also offered translation services. Being the way I am -I just can´t help it- I rushed to put that service to the test, rather more of a medieval ordeal, hell and high water. Why? Because I am mischievous, I wanted to make it tough on the program and feed it idiomatic expressions and idioms in English and Spanish. The result, as I expected, was poor, to say the least.
For "verse a la legua" ChatGPT offers this: "Verse a la legua in English translates as to be seen from a mile away or to be obvious at a glance. It is an idiomatic expression used to describe something that is easily noticeable, apparent, or obvious from distance or at first sight." In my Phraseological Dictionary, I offer the right equivalent: "Stand (stick) out a mile. Stand out like a sore thumb.
Another example: "The equivalent expression in Spanish for there´s no crying over spilt milk is: no hay que llorar sobre la leche derramada." Muerto el burro, la cebada al rabo, I say, and further a lo hecho, pecho.
No need to continue, para muestra vale un botón, an example is enough.
Chat GPT is not going to solve our expert and serious translation problems. At least, not yet.
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