mistaken Estar
equivocado (confundido)
I´m afraid you are mistaken Me temo que está usted equivocado
“You are mistaken, and so you´ll find
out in a Anthony Trollop, The Way we Live Now, 1975. US.
By mistake Sin
querer, por equivocación (error), por descuido
I broke the
vase by mistake Rompí el jarrón sin querer
“… it may be recovered by the bank from
the person to whom it was paid by mistake.” Antonio Viray, Handbook on Bank
Deposists, 1977. US.
Do not mistake me! ¡No te equivoques conmigo! ¡No me
interpretes mal!
I´m no
fool, Mr. Smith. Do not mistake me No soy tonto, Sr. Smith. No se equivoque conmigo
“To me, she was in the place of a
parent. Do not mistake me, however. I am not saying that…” Tony Tanner, Jane
Austen, 1986. US.
a mistake Cometer un
You have made a mistake again Has cometido un error de nuevo
“I have made a mistake. I believed
that a certain person felt something for me…” J.P. Cherry, The Dream Game, 2006.
no mistake about it Con
toda seguridad, sin duda, no te confundas
You are
going to fail Biology, and make no mistake about it Vas
a suspender biología, sin duda
“Make no mistake about it – the target
is you!” A. Warren Littman, Administration of the Internal Security Act..,
1975. US.
someone (something) for Tomar
(confundir) a alguien (algo) por
Sorry, I mistook you for a rabbit Lo siento, te tomé por un conejo
“I mistook you for a sailor because
you were working…” Roger Spiller, An Instinct for War…, 2009. US.
all make mistakes (averybody makes mistakes) El que tiene boca, se equivoca, todos nos
Don’t worry, we all make mistakes
No te preocupes porque el que tiene boca, se
“We all make mistakes, but each errs in his own way.” Maynard
Solomon, Beethoven Essays, 1988. US.
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