English-speaking people are more prone to making small talk about the weather than Spanish-speaking people of any latitude. Still, because they are copycats at heart, they mimic the conversation chit-chat of England and the USA. And as winter is approaching, the whole Spanish-speaking world and his mother are reminded of how cold it is. This is an entry from my Phraseological Dictionary:
Hacer un frío que pela (te
cagas, te mueres, que corta los cojones, de mil demonios, de muerte, espantoso)
Be cold as charity (hell),
as a witch’s tit, as ice, as marble, be bleeding cold
Hace un frío que pela hoy It’s cold as charity today
“En Erzurum… hace
un frío que corta los cojones.” F. Sánchez Dragó, El camino del corazón, 1990. Esp. || “Aquí hace un frío que pela.” Paloma
Pedrero, Invierno
de luna alegre,
1989. Esp. || “Además, hace un frío de muerte.” Eduardo Mendoza, La verdad sobre el caso Savolta, 1975. Esp.
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