Popular attitudes die hard, especially about age and beauty. We like to think that beauty does not fade with age. This simplistic thought brings a smile to many faces. Is it true? That is of no importance. What is important is to believe that the withered old lady in front of us has retained some of her former beauty. Different ways to express this in English and Spanish:

El que tuvo, retuvo Some things stay with you to the grave, once a beauty, always a beauty

María tiene muchos años pero sigue muy guapa, el que tuvo, retuvo Maria is very old but still very pretty, some things stay with you to the grave

“Ya sabes lo que dicen: quien tuvo, retuvo.” Pau Faner, Flor de sal, 1985. Esp.

Once a beauty, always a beauty El que tuvo, retuvo

My grandmother is still attractive. Once a beauty, always a beauty Mi abuela todavía es atractiva. El que tuvo, retuvo

“… she announces for the hundredth time, Once a beauty, always a beauty.” Literary Cavalcade, vol. 51, 1999. US. 


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