Para expresar la idea de que algo, aunque no mucho, es mejor que nada, o "menos da una piedra", la lengua inglesa tiene un par de expresiones que creo graciosas:
Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick Menos da una piedra
I was given a one-euro tip which is
little but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick Me dieron un euro de
propina, que es poco pero menos da una piedra
“Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick means that something, although not
the best possible, is better than other far worse alternatives.” Ian
Stuart-Hamilton, An Asperger Dictionary of Everyday Expressions, 2004.
Better than a slap in the face (belly) Menos da una piedra
I was given a one-euro tip which isn’t much but better than a slap in
the face Me
dieron un euro de propina que es poco, pero menos da una piedra
“Thanks for sending the
article from Essays in History - still pretty patronising but better than
a slap in the face with a wet fish
certainly.” Judith Wright, et al., With Love and Fury..., 2006. US.
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