martes, 10 de septiembre de 2024



In theory, English nouns are also verbs: a pen, to pen; a paper, to paper; a paint, to paint; a finger, to finger; a hand; to hand. It also employs prepositions to make up new verbs: To come, to come in, to come out, to come up, to come down. This is very ingenious of English because it can be applied to any verb: to dance in, entrar bailando; to dance out, salir bailando; to run up, subir corriendo; to run down, bajar corriendo. Due to the influence of English, Spaniards say "entrar dentro", "subir arriba" or "salir fuera" and other such nonsense. And thanks to the above prepositions we can explain how we do an action: to walk in, run in, step in, dance in, rush in, tiptoe in... and many more, which might be translated as: entrar caminando, entrar corriendo, entrar dando un paso, entrar bailando, entrar a toda prisa, entrar de puntillas. 

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