On a large (small) scale En (a) gran (pequeña) escala

They are going to do business on a large scale Van a hacer negocios a gran escala

“… when their behavior is channeled, on a large scale, into…” Daylykos. (COCA), 2012. US.

Scales fall from one’s eyes Caérsele a uno la venda (de los ojos)
When he gets married, scales will fall from his eyes Cuando se case se le caerá la venda de los ojos
“I know this sounds nutty, but do the research, and let the scales fall from your eyes.”, (COCA)2012. US.
Tip (tilt) the scale (balance) Inclinar la balanza
One member of the jury tilted the scale in my favor Un miembro del Jurado incline la balanza en mi favor
But anything that materially alters the relative risks or returns of the two asset classes will tilt the scale…” American Spectator, vol. 35, issue 4, 2002. US.


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