THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE in any language
I have been a fan of Trunk and White's The Elements of Style ever since my daughter Lorraine presented me with a copy in 2000. I keep it handy and I peruse it often. The wise recommendations in this short book can be applied to any language. "Writing good standard English is no cinch" we are told. Writing good standard Spanish is no cinch. Hastiness and laziness are the devils we must fight off. "... since writing is communication, clarity can only be a virtue." What is clear to the writer may not be clear to the reader. "Clarity, clarity, clarity" Strunk and White shout at us now, just as Thoreau wrote "Simplify, simplify" a hundred years before. This post is to remind you, and me, to reread and consult The Elements of Style often. It will stand us in good stead when we write English and Spanish.
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