Speakers use phrases rather than words and prefer a long idiomatic expression to a simple verb. This mystery puzzles linguists and probably has something to do with the recondite workings of cells in the brain. I have come to the conclusion that the idiomatic expression is the second most important invention of language: first the word, the concept; second, the grouping of those words to create meanings and add spark and vivacity to the way mankind elicits thought, bringing joy and cheerfulness to speech. Language (and phraseology) has been changing since the dawn of time through a process of evolution that has not stopped and will never end. Neuroscientists may someday discover the intricacies of the brain's and language's relationship. In the meantime, try to express in one word the meaning of step up to the plate, throw for a loop, be in the stocks, rise to the bait, be on the stocks, pay scot and lot... and let me know your ideas on the subject.


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