A good stock of Un buen surtido de
I have a good stock of books
in my home Tengo un buen surtido de
libros en mi casa
“Bickleigh was known to have a good stock of wine and
beer.” Michael Jaecks, The Las Templar…, 2004. US.
Take stock of Hacer inventario
We must take stock of our
sales Debemos hacer inventario de nuestras ventas
“He’s taken stock of where he grew up,
evaluated what he learned, and moved elsewhere.” Martin
Melaver, Living above
the Store, 2009. US.
On the stocks En ciernes, en
preparación, entre manos
A new novel is on the
stocks Una nueva novela en
“Also on the stocks is
a bill to bring about tax relief for these businesses.” Oxford Dictionary,
2024. UK.
Out of stock Agotado
The new fountainpen is
out of stock La
nueva estologtéfica está agotada
Take (put)
stock in Dar
crédito a, fiarse de
It’s risky putting stock in what he says Es arriesgado dar crédito a lo que
“I hope that the lawmaker
would really take stock of what we are saying.” AZCentral, (COCA), 2024. US.
Take stock of
the situation Hacer
composición de lugar (inventario, evaluar)
Take stock of the
situation before accepting the offer Haz composición de
lugar antes de aceptar la oferta
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