Porky Pig asks Daffy Duck, “Are you ready?” and Daffy retorts, “I was born ready.” If Daffy Duck had been born Hispanic, he would have answered: “Almost. But wait, I have to get my hat, or make a call, or get some papers, or grab a bite to eat…” to delay going, working, finishing something off, or whatever. Spaniards were not born ready; they are never prepared, especially in language learning, their "asignatura pendiente." Spanish indeed has a proverb, a refrán , that says, “No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy”—do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Alas, this proverb is a carryover from the Romans, who had it in Latin as ne in cranium, quod possis hodie , long before the Spanish language came into being. It did not affect the minds of the inhabitants of the Peninsula, who developed contrary attitudes. “Ya lo sé” is a ready-made expression or phrase that you will hear from the mouths of Spaniards constantly. Their self-confidence knows no limit...