We have already mentioned the effects of drinking in another note, but we did not mention the act of drinking which is, natch, prior to the effect. First, we drink, and then we are drunk. You have no idea the huge amount of words there are in both languages to describe the act of drinking, "el acto de beber." Humanity has been drinking since the beginning of time, and the habit has not been kicked yet. 
"To bend the elbow" has a Spanish equivalent in "empinar el codo."
"To wet the whistle" is "remojar el gaznate" in Spanish. 
The elegant "have a drink" in London, and in Mexico City they "toman una copa."
Low class people "hit the bottle" or "le dan a la botella." 
New Yorkers "drink like a fish" whereas madrileños "beben como un cosaco". 
In London people "down a few" at the local pub, and in Burgos "echan unos tragos" at the local "taberna." 
The above is just the tip of the vocabulary iceberg for to drink, "beber."
When we say that someone drinks we are referring to alcohol, of course. "Pedro bebe mucho."  


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