If you wish to be up-to-date on Spain´s literary and cultural affairs, read the weekly EL CULTURAL, both on paper and online. Founded by Luis María Anson in 1985, and directed by Blanca Berasátegui, it has now joined the daily El Español, headed by JJ Ramírez, a well-known publishing icon in the country, in order to continue with its endeavors to inform about culture, art, music, literature, in general, with book reviews, relevant interviews and impartial treatment of the country´s latest educational and scientific leadings.
As you know, I tie language and culture, and I advocate for language and cultural acquisition hand in hand. If you wish to learn and master the Spanish language, you must also keep up with its cultural developments. EL CULTURAL is written in what I call "educated Spanish"  that will keep you in good stead linguistically and educationally. It has been the Hispanic world´s cultural lighthouse for ver 35 years... give it a try! 


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Nombres hipocorísticos en inglés

¿Es "nobody" singular o plural?